Program - Frequently Asked Questions

My client has a deteriorating condition and/or is considered palliative, are they eligible for assistance?

People aged 64 and under who have life limiting health conditions are eligible for the EnableNSW Safe and Supported at Home (SASH) Home Modifications (HM) Program. Information on prognosis, equipment, and other care strategies will assist in determining whether minor or temporary modifications would be considered for pre-approval/funding.

Please speak to the EnableNSW SASH team if you have a patient in this situation.

My client is 65 or over and is receiving or awaiting their Home Care Package through My Aged Care, would they be eligible for assistance?

A person who is 65 or over is not eligible for the SASH home modifications program.  There may be instances where we can assist a person in this situation to leave hospital in a timely manner.  Please call the EnableNSW SASH team to discuss.

If my client is eligible for a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) package, can they receive assistance from the SASH home modifications program?

A person who is eligible for the NDIS or is already an NDIS participant is not eligible for the SASH home modifications program. There may be instances where we can assist a person in this situation to leave hospital in a timely manner. NSW Health clinicians should consult their Local Health District’s (LHD) NDIS Transition Manager or the Health Liaison Officer (HLO) in the first instance. Please call the EnableNSW SASH team to discuss.

My client lives in a rental property, are they eligible for assistance?

People living in rental accommodation are eligible for assistance, and this may include community housing properties. A signed homeowner agreement will be required before modifications can proceed.

All relevant forms will be provided after an initial enquiry.

My client lives in a Housing NSW property, are they eligible for assistance?

No, tenants or approved housing applicants with an identified need for home modifications are not eligible for the SASH home modifications program, they will need to work with their clinician to seek funding through the Department of Communities and Justice.

My client lives in a community housing property, are they eligible for assistance?

Call the EnableNSW SASH home modifications team to discuss the person’s specific situation.

My client needs home maintenance and/or repairs, is this work funded by the EnableNSW SASH HM program?

No, the program does not fund home maintenance or repairs, this remains the responsibility of the homeowner.

My client has unfinished home renovations and now needs home modifications to that area of the home, will the program cover the costs of completing the home renovations?

No, the program will not complete renovations. The EnableNSW SASH home modifications may consider assisting with the person’s disability specific needs once the renovations are complete. Please talk to the team to discuss the person’s specific situation.

My client needs SASH services at home, how can I organise this for them?

For eligible people, SASH Packages are delivered through the NSW Ministry of Health Out of Hospital Care Program and not through EnableNSW. More information on SASH Packages for home care services.