What's New
We’re helping haemodialysis patients travel while maintaining their usual treatment
08 Jul 2024If you’re receiving regular haemodialysis treatment and need to travel, you might be eligible for support through the EnableNSW Away From Home Haemodialysis program.
Our mailing address has changed
26 Mar 2024If you need to send mail to EnableNSW, please send this to Locked Bag 3005 Sydney Markets NSW 2129.
Making a co-payment has never been easier
02 Aug 2023Did you know you can now make a co-payment using our new safe and secure online payment portal?

EnableNSW Equipment Centre
The EnableNSW Equipment Centre houses a broad range of stock equipment for immediate use by eligible NSW residents who have a life-long or long-term disability.

Sheldon’s Story
After intensive cancer treatment left Sheldon unable to self-care, bathroom modifications gave him back his independence, dignity and a safe place to take care of himself.

Morgan’s Story
For more than 10 years, Morgan has benefited from a range of equipment supplied by EnableNSW to live safely and happily at home with this family.
Share your story
Do you have a story you want to share with us? We would love to hear from you.