Prescriber and client eligibility

Prescriber eligibility

Prescribers in the South West Aged Care Planning Region (ACPR) or the Riverina/Murray ACPR should review the Assistive Technology Loans Scheme Guidelines before completing an application.

Client eligibility

To be eligible for the trial the older person must:

  • be a NSW resident who lives in South West Sydney or Riverina/Murray ACPR,
  • not be permanently living in a residential aged care facility,
  • be assessed and approved for Short Term Restorative Care (STRC) OR a Home Care Package (HCP) Levels 1 – 4, where the older person has:
    • been assigned a HCP, or
    • accepted an interim or lower level HCP and waiting to be assigned a higher level package, or
    • been placed on the National Priority System (NPS) waiting to be assigned, and
  • have assistive technology (AT) needs identified by an eligible prescriber.

Examples of client situations that may qualify for the trial

Older person currently in receipt of a HCP or STRC

  • Older person living at home, in receipt of a HCP or STRC and AT needs have changed.
  • Older person living at home, in receipt of a Transitional Aged Care Package and moving back to a HCP.
  • Older person currently in hospital and prior to their admission were on the National Priority System (NPS) or in receipt of a HCP.

Older person recently assessed and approved for a HCP or STRC

  • Older person living at home, newly approved and assessed for a HCP and currently on the NPS awaiting allocation of a HCP (this can include people receiving short-term Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) services).